We welcome opportunities to dialogue with those of other religious and faith tradition.
Changing the World: In Step with the Disciples
By Father Gianni Passarella, Candidate Deacon Mike Mitchell
"Mary is the fullness of what it means to be a follower of Christ. She is the archetype of the Christian: full of grace...this book lets us discover the meaning of Mary's 'little life,' so that we may be inspired to embrace our own 'little lives' and find that we too are 'full of grace.' The rosary tells us of the events of Jesus' life, but we must remember that Mary lived it with him. She watched him grow, heard him preach, knew his disciples, anguished at his death, and witnessed the transforming power of his resurrection. We stand next to Mary, as we speak the prayers of the rosary and meditate on events that she experienced. In praying the rosary, we bless her name again and again with the words of an angel. And she brings Christ to us--to be born again in our hearts." -Rev. Father JIM FARRIS.

"Father Gianni and Deacon Mike have given us a treatise of the meaning and methodology of Christian discipleship that is both abundantly clear and profoundly significant." -Rev. Pastor TOM ROTHHAAR, United Methodist Church.
"Changing the World could not have come at a better time. With the entire world suffering from the effects of the global Coronavirus pandemic, a renewal of faith is ever more important." -Most Rev. ROBERT CHUNG, Superior General of the Society of Christ the King.
Words of Hope in an Age of Anxiety
By Father Gianni Passarella
Pray with Mary: The Holy Rosary
Forwarded by Father Jim Farris

"I invite every church community to use this book for those who are at the beginning of their walks behind the Model/Coach and for those of us who want to revisit that journey as a way to be renewed." -Most Rev. FRANCIS KREBS, Presiding Bishop of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
"The words contained in the following pages were messages of hope to the church from our pastor, Fr. Gianni Passarella, who was not only quarantined, but through a series of circumstances, in self-isolation for 105 days in Italy, a continent and ocean away from California, where Holy Angels was now meeting via ZOOM. The messages are preserved in this booklet because they are not only for a specific time and place. A message of God's plans, hopes and dreams for each of us, across time and space, sickness and health, political and economic discord. Truly, words of hope for anxious times... anytime". -MIKE MITCHELL.

Constitution and Bylaws
Holy Angels Independent Catholic Church
We, as members of the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ, responding in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, desiring to unite together to proclaim the Word, celebrate the Sacraments, and carry out God's mission, "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:2-4) do hereby adopt this Constitution and solemnly pledge ourselves to be governed by its provisions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.