
We support a clerical team that is diverse and which embraces a servant's ministry.

Our Confessor, Rev. Fr. JACOB MUNHOZ is an ordained ECC priest, member of Spiritual Directors International and also holds a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT #129932) and works as a clinical psychotherapist in private practice.

Fr. Jacob is also a student and teacher of contemplative spirituality and is canonically vowed solitary. He facilitates prayer and meditation groups and gives lectures and retreats on those and related subjects.

A favorite pastime is paddle boarding on the bay with his two rescue dogs.

ECC Deacon MIKE MITCHELL was a lifelong Protestant and converted to Catholicism in his mid-sixties. Having spent his life in the business world, he answered the call to ministry and was ordained to the Holy Order of Deacons on Saturday November 6, 2021.

Deacon Mike's passion in ministry is empowerment of the laity to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ in the world. He stands in awe of the ministry of a good and loving God who wants the very best for his people, yet he believes Christ often comes to us through each other in day-to-day living.



All our clergy are validly ordained priests and deacons who meet the guidelines for ordination or incardination in compliance with the Ecumenical Catholic Communion Constitution and statues, and have valid faculties by the Ordinary Bishop of the California Diocese. We affirm that ordained ministry is open to all the baptized. Our clergy are male and female, married, single and celibate, straight and LGBTQ.

Our Associate Pastor, Father ROBERT CHUNG is an ECC clergy incardinated in our Diocese of California and the current Superior General of the Society of Christ the King, a Society of Apostolic Life dedicated to the formation in and propagation of proper Catholic liturgy within the independent Catholicism. As such, Bishop Robert's primary focus is in the formation of clergy and lay ministers, especially in the areas of Dogmatic Theology and liturgy.

Growing up in a Chinese Catholic household, Father Robert is also passionate about outreach into the Chinese American communities, and regular offers the sacraments in Chinese. At Holy Angels, Father Robert assists in inclusive outreach to groups that are usually marginalized by the Church, e.g., LGBTQ+ community and divorced Catholics.

Father Robert has a B.A. in History and Economics from Yale University, an MBA from the Wharton School (UPenn), a MA in Christian Ministry and Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, and a MDiv in Theology.

Our Associate Pastor, Reverend Mother TAMMY FUQUA is an ECC clergy. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services with an emphasis in administration and mental health from California State University, Fullerton. She received her diaconate formation for her theological studies at the St. Cyprian School of Theology and is currently obtaining a master's degree in pastoral theology at St. Joseph’s College in Maine in preparation for priesthood.

Reverend Mother Tammy is interested in serving the Holy Angel's community by bringing her years of corporate experience in administration and sales and marketing, as well as her studies in counseling and therapy, in an effort to grow our community.

Reverend Mother Tammy also has an interest in homelessness, ministering to incarcerated individuals, and issues surrounding young adults in her outreach, while becoming more active in social justice organizations in our neighboring communities. She is also committed to the formation of our children through helping with our catechism studies.


“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Mark 1:17